1. I have placed an order, but I have never logged into my account, I don't know the password.
Normally, when you place an order, we will create an account for you , the account is your email address, and send you an email with the account activation link.
If you want to login your account, please activate your account first. Otherwise It will show that the account does not exist.
How to actiavte your account, and track your order?
Method one: you can check the email that contains the account activation link which has sent before. Find it and click the"Activate" Button, it will take you to the
signup page of our website, you can create your account and password.
If you can't find the email, please try the
Method two:
Please go to login page(https://sanpella.cc/user/signIn), you will find the "Sign up" please check details by follow screenshot.
Click the "Sign up", then enter your email and password, click "REGISTER" button. Please note that the email you enter must be the same as the email you used
when placing the order, otherwise your can't find or track your order in your account.
2. I remember the password, but I want to change it periodically
It's a good habit to change your password regularly. Please login your account first. please check details by follow screenshot.
Click the place which I mark with red box, it will show"Modify email" and"Change the password", please check details by follow screenshot.
Then click the "Change the password", we will send you one email include verifiaction code , you can start to reset your password after you enter the code. please check
details by follow screenshot.
3. If you forgot your password and want to reset your password
Please go to login page(https://sanpella.cc/user/signIn), you will find the "Forgot password", please check details by follow screenshot,
Then click the "Forgot password", you will go to another page. Please enter your email and click send, one email include verifiaction code will send to you email.
please check details by follow screenshots
Finally, please go to your email get the code and enter it, you can reset your password now, please check details by follow screenshort